FEFU Endowment Foundation By-laws and Other Documents

  FEFU Endowment Foundation By-Laws (Russian version);
  Document confirming registration of the FEFU Endowment Foundation in the Consolidated State Register of Legal Entities (Russian version);
  Information on the registered address of an executive body of a non-profit organization (Russian version);
  Donation contract for contribution of the financial means for formation (replenishment) of the endowment (Russian version);

  Public offer donation contract (Russian version);
  Information on the asset management company and the auditing organization with indication of their name, address and address of their permanent executive bodies (Russian version);
  Information of the value of non-profit organization's administrative expenses and a share of indicated expenses financed by the endowment income;

Auditors' Report on the financial statement of the FEFU Endowment Foundation for year 2015;

Auditors' Report on the financial statement of the FEFU Endowment Foundation for year 2016.

Auditors' Report on the financial statement of the FEFU Endowment Foundation for year 2017;

Auditors' Report on the financial statement of the FEFU Endowment Foundation for year 2018.

Auditors' Report on the financial statement of the FEFU Endowment Foundation for year 2019;

Auditors' Report on the financial statement of the FEFU Endowment Foundation for year 2020.