
The history of FEFU legal education began in 1899 when the first course in Law was introduced into the degree program of the Institute of Oriental Studies. In the early 1900's, courses in Comparative Law were created covering legal systems of Pacific Rim and European countries. In 1919, the 1st Law Faculty was founded as a subdivision of the Oriental Institute, reorganized in 1920 to State Far Eastern University. In 1920s, many professors of the Law Faculty moved abroad and helped to establish law schools and departments in Harbin and other Chinese cities, including Harbin Normal University School of Law. However, the Law School was closed in the 1930's, and during 3 decades, legal education for Russian Far East students was provided by law schools of other regions.


The history of FEFU legal education was restarted in 1958, when the degree program in Law was restored and the Department of Law was created at FESU. By 1976, it had grown into the Law Faculty and by 1995 into the Law Institute that was reorganized in 2011 into the School of Law after establishment of Far Eastern Federal University.

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