
The planned 6th ACLA Symposium 2017 will broadly examine the role of Urban Cultural

and heritage Landscapes in harmonizing the world, with emphasis on awakening the deeper sense of regenerative strategies and measures and making policies, drawing upon the perspectives of multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural interfaces, within and beyond the world of Asia. The three broad themes are given below:

(A) Urban Cultural Landscape, UCL: Spirit of Place:

Evolution of Urban Cultural Landscapes, UCL: historicity and cultural continuity; growth and representation of UCL: symbolism and archetype; cosmological principles: spatiality of time and temporality of space; UCL as nexus of global understanding and harmonizing the world; Assessment and appraisal of UNESCO Reports the issues of UCL and HUL, Historic Urban Landscape; Urban Cultural Landscape as System; Values and images of UCL: archaeological, architectural, historic, scientific, aesthetic, socio-cultural or ecological point of view.

B) Historic Urban Landscape, HUL:

Morphology of Urban Landscapes; attributes and representation: tangible and intangible heritages; Regulatory system of UCL and HUL; Ritual landscape as Urban Heritage: ritualisation process, cosmogram and complexity; Architectural approach to urban heritage and cultural landscapes; Sacred city and cosmic order: Issues of UCL and HUL; Strategies for Urban Development; Quality management.

C) Regenerating Urban Cultural Landscape:

Urban Conservation; Public Policy and Urban Conservation; Urban Heritage Management: Changing scenario; Approaches to Regenerating UCL; Greening the City: Urban Ecology & Urban Foresty; Management of Urban Environment; Issues of preserving heritage in Urban Century; Use of HUL and UCL in alternative cultural and heritage tourism and City planning; ‘Interfaces’ and cultural interaction: sharing the experiences of different groups from different parts of Asia, role of NGOs in mass awakening, and public participation in heritage regeneration programmes; ‘Interfaces’ among urban planners, policy makers, and integrated approach to fulfil SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals; issues of Habitat III and their linkages in planning HUL and UCL.