Scientific journal “The bulletin of the Far Eastern Federal University. Economics and Management”

  "The bulletin of the Far Eastern Federal University. Economics and Management" is a scientific peer-reviewed journal published by the School of Economics and Management of the Far Eastern Federal University.

   "The bulletin of the Far Eastern Federal University. Economics and Management " is one of the few journals in the Far East region that covers issues of economic theory, industry and regional economy, food technologies, finance and banking, as well as the conditions of entrepreneurship and markets for goods and services in the Asia-Pacific region.

   The journal is included in the system of the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI). Full versions of the articles included in the journal are available for free on the Scientific Electronic Library website.

   Certificate of registration PI No. FS77-57575 issued on April 8, 2014.

   In 2015, "The bulletin of the Far Eastern Federal University. Economics and Management" was included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications designated for the publication of scientific results from aspirants to obtain the degree of Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science.

   Among the journal’s authors, there are leading researchers of Russian universities, scientists from both academic and non-academic Russian research institutes, industry analysts, bank specialists, graduate students, representatives of legislative and executive bodies of the Russian Federation, and foreign researchers.

   The target audience of the magazine includes heads of state administration bodies, business, expert community; scientists, teachers of universities, graduate students, students and anyone else interested in the problems of economics, management, entrepreneurship, innovation, finance and banking.

    All publications in the journal are free of charge.

   ISSN printed version - 2311-2271. ISSN Online - 2413-9734.

   To submit article please go to journal’s official web page: