Main development prospects

The Far Eastern Section of IEEE will be established on the basis of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), which is one of the largest centers of educational and scientific activity in the Asia-Pacific region. Expert meetings of various levels are held here on an ongoing basis. The main event of the year is the Eastern Economic Forum, one of the most important events at the level of the Russian Federation, annually held to strengthen the ties of the international investment community, Russian business, federal, regional and local authorities. The development of FEFU is constantly at the center of attention of the Head of the state of Russia.

The university campus is considered one of the best in Russia, it is located on the Pacific coast in an ecologically sound area of the Russky Island near the city of Vladivostok. The total area of the campus is 800,000 sq.m. 37,000 students and employees, 10,500 people permanently reside on the campus. There are 11 hotel buildings and 12 academic and administrative buildings. The campus today is the territory of advanced development, an outstanding project built in the shortest time with the use of modern technologies, which is a testing ground for the development of educational programs, introduction of technologies, formation of research centers. The unique solar water heating system which allows for saving about 30% of heat energy used to produce hot water is an example of implemented technologies.

Solar water heating system

Representational offices of major state corporations are located in FEFU campus: Rosatom, RusHydro, Gazprom. The goal of these corporations is to cooperate in a variety of areas and develop technology with consistent, large-scale implementation in the Far Eastern Federal District. Even today future highly qualified specialists of the nuclear industry can use the latest technologies for modeling processes and technological development.

Analytical simulators

Undoubtedly, the listed advantages of dynamically developing campus territory will play a significant role in the organization of the new section of IEEE with the interaction of the above-mentioned representatives of the Far Eastern section of IEEE and the support of the IEEE international organization.