Novikov V.V., German А.P.

АNDREY P. GERMAN, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail:

To Strength Calculation of the Double-hulled Vessel

The calculation of the strength of the connecting bridge Multi-Hull vessel is a difficult task due to complex loading during the course of the ship in a seaway. We performed a study of the stress state of irregular connective structure formed by cross links and superstructure on example of catamaran vessel. It has been reviewed by two types of limit load: transverse bending of the bridge at the free suspension of one the hull and twisting of the whole structure. A result of calculations we have received based power factors and stress of the bridge for change the horizontal clearance and concluded about stress state structure.

Key words: catamaran, bridgeunit, thelimitloading, the stressstate.


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