Leontev L.B., Shapkin N.P., Toklikishvili A.G., Patenkova E.P.

LEV B. LEONTEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, School of Engineering. E-mail:
NIKOLAI P. SHAPKIN, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, School of Natural Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok.
ELENA P. PATENKOVA, PhD, Docent, Maritime State University, Vladivostok. E-mail:

The effect of the parametres of the modifying steel 45 by the metallasiloxane polymer on the tribological and mechanical properties

The article deals with the effect, which the parameters of modifying steel 45 by friction method using metallasiloxane polymer have on the tribological properties (friction, steel and bearing wear rate, temperature in the tribocontact area) and the mechanical ones (nanohardness and elastic modulus of coating.) The dependence of the wear rate of the steel 45 and that of bearing shell on the parameters of the modification mode has been specified. The optimal parameters to modify the steel 45 as well as the quantities of nanohardness and the modulus of the elasticity of coating securing the maximal durability of the tribomating have been determined.

Key words: metallаsiloksan, modification, wear resistance, nanohardness, modulus of elasticity.


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