Berdiev O.Sh., Klukman E.F.
OLEG Sh. BERDIEV, Deputy Director, Arsenyev Branch, Far Eastern Federal University, Arsenyev, Primorsky Krai, Russia.
EVGENIY F. KLUKMAN, Design Engineer of JSC AAK “Progress”, Arsenyev, Primorsky Krai, Russia.
The investigation into the advantages of the dry process of manufacturing composite aircraft panel of mesh structure
The article presents the sequence of construction and technology processes of the “dry’ assemble of the reinforcing cage when manufacturing a large panel with hard bearing skin with the attached frame for aircrafts of various types. It presents also technological methods to produce a lightened variant (made of composite materials) of one of the basic elements of the aircraft. The solutions are intended and may be recommended for the manufacturing of lineforming hard bearing skin as well as other large elements, units and assemblies of the aircraft.
Key words: dry winding, wet winding, vacuum absorption.
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