Ovodova E.V., Gorobeiko E.V.
Romanovskiy N.P., Selivanova T.V.
ELENA V. OVODOVA, Postgraduate Student, e-mail: ovodova.2011@mail.ru,
EKATERINA V. GOROBEIKO, Student, Department of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Geoscience, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok.
The effect of the mining complex of the Kavalerovsky ore district on the groundwater condition
The article deals with the hydrochemical exploration carried out to assess the technogenic effect, which the mining complex of the Kavalerovsky ore district has on the chemical composition of the groundwater of the area. It has been demonstrated that, in the area, the natural fresh hydro-carbonate calcium waters turn brackish bicarbonate-sulfate, calcium sulfate, and magnesium-calcium ones. It has been revealed that that the concentrations of iron, manganese, lithium, sulfates, and other components are in excess of the limits of tolerance in them.
Key words: Kavalerovskii ore district, spent galleries, underground water, formation of water composition, equilibrium.
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