Nikolenko S.V., Verchoturov A.D., Suy N.A.

SERGEY V. NIKOLENKO, PhD, Institute of Materials Science, Khabarovsk Research Center, FEB RAS. E-mail: ANATOLY D. VERCHOTUROV, Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor, Institute of Water and Environmental Problems, FEB RAS, Khabarovsk. NIKOLAY A. SUY, Engineer, Institute of Materials Science, Khabarovsk Research Center, FEB RAS, Khabarovsk.

The aspects of the improvement of the effectiveness of electrospark alloying

The articles deals with the aspects of the improvement of the effectiveness of electrospark alloying on the mechanised installation by means of tungsten carbide electrode materials with self-fluxing additives. Presented are the technological processes and parametres of electrospark alloying of nanostructured coatings as well as the generation of nanostructures in a surface layer of 100nm thtough the use of the methods of atomic force microscopy.

Key words: electrospark alloying, process efficiency, electrode materials with self-fluxing additives nanostructuring of the surface layer.


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