Mechanical Engineering

Lelyukhin V., Antonenkova T., Kolesnikova O.

VLADIMIR E. LELYUKHIN, Associate Professor, e-mail:
TATJANA V. ANTONENKOVA, Associate Professor, e-mail:
OLGA V. KOLESNIKOVA, Senior Lecturer, e-mail:
Industrial Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Structural-parametric representation of the relative position
of surfaces part

The article deals with the problem of formalization of geometrical configuration part. Mathematical methods and methods of solid modeling CAD systems do not allow to get complete information about the structure and parameters of the relative position of surfaces part. To solve this problem, the authors propose a structural-parametric model as an acyclic connected graph attributed by the parameters for each surface and dimensional communication. The proposed method allows you to create different configurations of parts depending on the composition and the relative positions of the surfaces.

Key words: the relative position of surface, dimensional chain, size connection, geometric configuration, structural representation, parametric representation.


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