Creative Concepts of Architecture Activities

Lapshina E., Tolkacheva A.

EVGENIA A. LAPSHINA, Professor, e-mail:
ALBINA A. TOLKACHEVA, Senior Lecturer, e-mail:
Department of Design and Interior Architectural Environment, School of Engineering,
Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok.
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Colour as an object for protection
when restoring architectural monuments

The article deals with the current aspects of historical and architectural preservation illustrated by the example of the historic federal monument the Trading House of Kunst and Albers (nowadays, the Trading House Vladivostok GUM). Basing on the survey of the restoration works carried out in the building, it is motivated in the article that colour is an integral part of the artistic conception of its interior and façade. The article touches on the issues of adaptation of historic interior to modern requirements in the course of its restoration and the ways for handling the problems are offered in it. One of the ways is the authoresses’ method titled the reconstruction of the colour of historic interior through the use of colour kyes which is presented in the article.
Key words: architectural monument, artistic image, colouring, interior design, adaptation project, historic interior, colour scheme, colour key, Vladivostok GUM. 


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