Liu Chang-hai, Sun Yanming
LIU CHANG-HAI, Professor, e-mail:,
SUN YANMING, Ph.D North-East Gas and Oil University, Daqing, Heilongjiang Province, China, e-mail:
The analysis of stresses of strengthening the tie-fitting in hydrogenation reactor
The analysis stresses using finite elements in the ANSYS package was carried out to calculate the stresses strengthening tie-fitting of a hydrogenation reactor. It has been determined that the maximum stresses are in the transition area from the spherical bottom of the reactor to the internal wall socket. The comparative analysis of calculation methods for the stress state of the node of the tie-fitting reactor has demonstrated that the application of the ANSYS package provides greater opportunities than the traditional calculation methods do.
Key words: hydrogenation reactor, strengthening of (tie) nipples, software, ANSYS.
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