ENGINEERING SCIENCES. Electrical engineering

Oroshchuk I., Suchkov A.

IGOR M. OROSHCHUK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail: 
ANDREW N. SUCHKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Radioelectronic Equipment, The Pacific Higher Naval College Named after S.O. Makarov, Vladivostok, 6, Kamsky St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690062, e-mail: 

The possible application of nonlinear digital antenna arrays in decametre range

The paper deals with the spatially-correlation dependences of radio signals and radio interferences in decametre range that the authors obtained in the course of real experiments. Basing on the statistical processing of the experiments, the authors have obtained a generalised approximating correlation formula reflecting the general nature of changes in the spatial correlation properties of the decametre radio range and they developed a stochastic simulation model reflecting the general nature of changes in spatially-correlation properties of radio interferences in decametre range. The results of the authors’ experiments and the simulation modelling of nonlinear signal processing in digital arrays based on the approximation formulas of radio signals and the radio interferences stochastic model make it possible to evaluate the potential of the new processing method to be used in radio communication equipment of decametre range.

Key words: antenna array, nonlinear processing, spatial correlation, radio signals, radio noise, pilot study.


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