Kazanov G., Novikov V., Turmov G.  

GENNADY T. KAZANOV, Ph.D. (Technics), Associate Professor, Department of Physics and of general technical disciplines, The Pacific Higher Naval College Named after S.O. Makarov, Vladivostok. 6, Kamsky St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690062, e-mail: 
VALERY V. NOVIKOV, Ph.D. (Technics), Associate Professor, Department of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technique, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail: 
GENNADIY P. TURMOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail: 

Evaluation of operational resource of the hull

Many technical and economic factors affect the operating resource of a marine vessel. The emergence and spread of corrosion, the occurrence of permanent deformation or cracks in hull structures depend on operating conditions. The corrosion wear and permanent deformations reduce the fatigue strength of hull structures. The operating life and consequently the durability of a vessel also depend on technical maintenance.

The proposed approach to the evaluation of the durability of ship hulls and marine engineering structures are checking and design calculations of the hull resources, the definition of the fatigue life of structures with regard for multi-component external actions, macro-concentration of stresses, and structural damages caused by the peculiarities of metallurgic material and its subsequent fatigue or degradation in the process of operation.

The stages of diagnostics of the technical state of structures and the order of calculations to be performed to estimate the durability of hulls are presented in the study. The presented method of the evaluation of the operating resource of ship structures makes it possible to determine the residual strength after a prolonged operation and to carry out a justification on terms of their further use and the permitted regimes of sea waves as well as to decide on the necessary repair measures.

Key words: operational resource, fatigue, micro-defects, structural defect.


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