Ship Design and Construction 
Original article

Krivel S., Galushko E.

SERGEY M. KRIVEL, Ph.D., Associate Professor,,*
Irkutsk State University
EGOR A. GALUSHKO, teacher,
Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
Irkutsk, Russia

Influence of the Tandem WIG layout parameters on its aerodynamic characteristics

Abstract. Based on a computational experiment, a number of studies were conducted to assess the influence of layout parameters on the aerodynamic characteristics of the Tandem WIG. The ANSYS CFD modeling software package is used for the research. The process is divided into stages, each involving certain changes to the layout and assessing their impact on the WIG aerodynamic characteristics. Each subsequent stage takes into account the results of the previous stage. At the first stage, the aerodynamic characteristics are investigated at different positions of the bearing surfaces of the assembly. The second stage involves evaluating the effectiveness of the use of end washers and winglets in the layout. At the third stage, the task is to assess the influence of the installation angles of bearing surfaces. At the fourth stage, the influence of the fuselage and vertical tail is evaluated.

Keywords: ekranoplan, aerodynamic characteristics of WIG, WIG layout parameters, GEV (ground transport), WIG (wing effect in the ground)

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Krivel S., Galushko E. Influence of the Tandem WIG layout parameters on its aerodynamic characteristics. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):3-16. (In Russ.).