Building Materials and Products           
Original article

Makushina Ju.

JULIA V. MAKUSHINA, Engineer, makuschina2000@gmail.com
Voronezh State Technical University
Voronezh, Russia

Identification of plasticizer-additives for concrete

Abstract. The paper discusses the relationship between the moisture shrinkage value of additive-modified cement systems and the dipole moment value of the molecules of these additives. It was found that the maximum value of the dipole moment has additives belonging to the group of polycarboxylate esters and the minimum value additives belonging to the group of lignosulfonates. The minimum value of the water-reducing effect also corresponds to these additives. It is shown that the largest value of shrinkage strain value is obtained for additives based on melamine sulfonates and naphthalene sulfonates, and the smallest value for additives based on polycarboxylate esters. This analysis made it clear that a molecular structure descriptor (e.g., dipole moment) could be used to identify the plasticizer additives.

Keywords: cement, water reducing effect, additives-plasticizers, dipole moment, model of molecule, shrinkage deformations

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Makushina Ju. Identification of plasticizer-additives for concrete. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):90-96. (In Russ.).