Building Materials and Products   
Original article 

Belkova N., Ivashchenko E.

NATALYA A. BELKOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,*,
ELENA I. IVASHCHENKO, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,,
Voronezh State Technical University
Voronezh, Russia

Main characteristics of fibro-armed non-autoclaved foam concretes
based on basalt and polyamide fibrils

Abstract. The article presents the results of experimental studies to determine the strength characteristics of fibro-armed cement foam concrete. Basalt and polyamide fibrous fibers 12 and 20 mm long were used as dispersed reinforcement. Experimental studies were carried out for cement foam concrete of the D1200 density class, which can be used for the production of floor slabs in low-rise house building. It has been found that polyamide fiber with a length of 12 mm per 2–3 kg/m3 provide the optimal values of compression and bending strength without changing the specified density values.

Keywords: foam concrete, basalt fiber, polyamide fiber, compressive strength, bending strength, structure

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Belkova N., Ivashchenko E. Main characteristics of fibro-armed non-autoclaved foam concretes based on basalt and polyamide fibrils. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):97-104. (In Russ.).