Engineering Hydrology
Original article

Akhmedova N., Naumov V.

NATALIA R. AKHMEDOVA, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor,,*
VLADIMIR A. NAUMOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,,
Department of Technosphere Safety and Environmental Management
Kaliningrad State Technical University
Kaliningrad, Russia

Dynamics of the annual runoff module in the basin of the Pissa River

Abstract. In hydrometeorological surveys, the design of engineering flood defenses and the hydrological characteristics of water bodies are the basis of the calculations performed. The quality of design solutions depends on the sufficiency and reliability of the source data. The regional applied reference books in hydrology were to be developed as the regulatory documents in engineering surveys, and this work is currently being carried out in some regions of the Russian Federation. The comprehensive hydrological studies conducted in the last decade in Northwestern river basins of Russia’s European part practically have not discussed the rivers of the Kaliningrad region. This paper presents some results of studies of the main hydrological characteristics in the basin of the Pissa river (Kaliningrad region), for example, the series of modules of annual runoff are restored. In addition, the paper presents a hypothesis that the water content of the rivers of the Kaliningrad region is growing.

Keywords: Pissa river, flow module, Kaliningrad region, water content of the river

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Akhmedova N., Naumov V. Dynamics of the annual runoff module in the basin of the Pissa River. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):105-111. (In Russ.).