Ecological Safety of Construction and Municipal Economy         
Original article

Sokolov M., Pokatilov A., Kuznetsov I., Tacienko V., Krupina N.

MIKHAIL V. SOKOLOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Highways and Urban Cadastre,
ANDREY V. POKATILOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Director of the Construction Institute,
ILYA V. KUZNETSOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of the Department of Building Structures, Water Supply and Sanitation,
VICTOR P. TACIENKO, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Department of Mining Machines and Complexes, 
NATALIA V. KRUPINA, Associate Professor, Department of Highways and Urban Cadastre,
Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev
Kemerovo, Russia

Development of a mobile noise-proof shelter for air-shafts

Abstract. The paper analyses the existing noise-proof shelters and presents a simulation of a mobile noise-canceling unit for an air-shaft. The main parameters of the developed components and elements of the metal structure are indicated. The scope of implementation of the unit in production conditions is determined. The noise load measurements were carried out near the air-shaft UVCG-9. Some recommendations have been developed to optimize the working conditions while maintaining this mobile unit.

Keywords: noise, air-shaft, noise-proof shelter, noise-absorbing material, shaft fans, noise reduction, aboveground structures

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Sokolov M., Pokatilov A., Kuznetsov I., Tacienko V., Krupina N. Development of a mobile noise-proof shelter for air-shafts. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):126-135. (In Russ.).