Ship Design and Construction                   
Original article

Parnyakov A., Surov O.

ALEKSEY V. PARNYAKOV, Postgraduate Student,*
OLEG E. SUROV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Far Eastern Federal University
Vladivostok, Russia

Development and verification of a mathematical model to design an ice-going cruise ship

Abstract. The results of the development of a mathematical model for determining the economic performance of an ice-going cruise ship are presented. Specific reduced costs, return on investment, rate of return, payback period are taken as optimized characteristics in the mathematical model. The number of passengers and the length of lines were used as optimization parameters. The developed model makes it possible to change the ticket price depending on the level of comfort of passengers on board. As a result of calculations based on the proposed mathematical model, the optimal main ship dimensions and characteristics (components of displacement, power, speed, etc.) were determined. It has been established that the developed mathematical model for optimizing the main dimensions of a cruise ship in terms of the functions of economic criteria is suitable for further research of other optimization parameters (such as useful area in cabins and public spaces; the number of decks and superstructure tiers, etc.)

Keywords: main dimensions of the ship, economic indicators, payback period, rate of return, return on investment, specific reduced costs, length of the cruise line, ice-going cruise ship

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Parnyakov A., Surov O. Development and verification of a mathematical model to design an ice-going cruise ship. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):17-26. (In Russ.).