Ship power plants              
Original article

Lobachev A., Sobolenko A.

ALEXANDER V. LOBACHEV, Associate Professor of the Instructor-engineer,
ANATOLY N. SOBOLENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Department of Ship Internal Combustion Engines
Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy
Vladivostok, Russia 

The causes of defects with crankshaft and main bearings of the main diesel engine 8NAVS48A3-u on the motor ship "Ivan Zhdanov"

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of defects in the shells of frame and connecting rod bearings and the crankshaft of the main engine (ME) 8NVDS48A-3U of the motor ship "Ivan Zhdanov", as well as to assess the actions of the crew in an emergency. The topic of accidents and emergencies was covered in many publications. However, the authors mainly considered technical defects that caused accidents and did not discuss the role and importance of the human factor. In this article, along with consideration of the defects that have arisen in the main engine of the motor ship "Ivan Zhdanov", a thorough analysis of the crew's actions in an emergency is carried out. Based on its results, conclusions were drawn about the timeliness and professional adequacy of the measures taken by the ship's crew. Some measures for the prevention of such critical situations on ships are proposed.

Keywords: defects, crankshaft, bearings, emergency situation, human factor

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Lobachev A., Sobolenko A. The causes of defects with crankshaft and main bearings of the main diesel engine 8NAVS48A3-u on the motor ship "Ivan Zhdanov". FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):47-54. (In Russ.).