Physical Fields of Ship, Ocean and Atmosphere                
Original article

Unru P., Statsenko L., Rodionov A.

PETR P. UNRU, Senior Lecturer,
LYUBOV G. STATSENKO, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor,
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Instrumental Engineering
Polytechnic Institute
Far Eastern Federal University
ALEKSANDR YU. RODIONOV, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Head of the Underwater Acoustic Navigation Systems Laboratory,
Institute of Marine Technology Problems
Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladivostok, Russia

Adaptive approach to noise-resistant coding with low-density parity-checks
in underwater acoustic communication systems

Abstract. The processes of signal propagation in an underwater acoustic communication channel largely depend on the distribution of the speed of sound, as well as the shape and acoustic properties of the sea surface and bottom. However, these parameters of the marine environment are non-stationary and are subject to the formation of local and unpredictable inhomogeneities, which leads to a high variability of the channel bit error probability and makes it difficult to choose the optimal parameters of various subsystems of underwater acoustic communication systems, including the noise-resistant encoder. The paper presents a method for adapting the coding rate of a LDPC code, which does not involve a two-sided channel estimation and relies only on the estimation of the received code word fragments at the receiver. The paper describes the method for generating a parity-check and generator matrixes, the method for generating a code word and an approach to its estimation and decoding. Also, the paper presents the results of modeling the restoring ability of the developed coding method and its influence on the effective data transfer rate, which is defined as the ratio of the number of transmitted bits of useful information to the time interval between the start of transmission of the service packet and receipt of confirmation of the successful transmission.

Keywords: underwater acoustic communication, noise-resistant coding, low-density parity-check codes

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Unru P., Statsenko L., Rodionov A. Adaptive approach to noise-resistant coding with low-density parity-checks in underwater acoustic communication systems. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):69-80. (In Russ.).