Water Supply, Construction Systems for Water   
Original article

SHalanin V., Agarin A.

VIKTOR A. SHALANIN – Senior Lecturer, Corresponding member of IAELPS, vic_stro_@mail.ru
Far Eastern Federal University
ANTON A. AGARIN – Technician, anton_agarin@mail.ru
ООО «Proektno-diagnosticheskaya kompaniya»
Vladivostok, Russia

Water movement in upstream in the presence of an incoming updraft

Abstract. The article describes the parametrization of fluid flow in the upstream of the weir located in a channel with an incoming updraft. The obtained parametric nondimensional equation contains the basic similarity criteria necessary for modeling the flow. The analysis made it possible to reduce significantly the set of variables, while the preliminary computer simulation in the ANSYS software package showed that the most significant criteria are geometric and kinematic similarity. The latter implies the equality between the ratio of the incoming flow rate to the average flow rate in the channel in nature and in the model.

Keywords: hydraulics, spillway, ANSYS, FLUENT, similarity theory, π-theorem.

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: SHalanin V., Agarin A. Water movement in upstream in the presence of an incoming updraft. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(2):81-89. (In Russ.).