Ship design and construction   

Original article

Kochnev Y.

YURI A. KOCHNEV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Optimization of the location of the premises in the superstructure of the cargo ship

Abstract. When designing a cargo ship, one of the tasks to be solved is to increase the volumes allocated for cargo placement. On a vessel of internal and mixed (river-sea) navigation, which has strict restrictions on all main dimensions, it is possible to achieve the expansion of the cargo area only by reducing the areas allocated for office and residential needs. The latter requires the design of a compact superstructure, which can be achieved by using optimization and solving the so-called "backpack problem". However, the presence of a person inside the superstructure for a long time, both in residential and office premises, requires compliance with a wide range of different standards, one of which is to ensure the safe evacuation of the crew at the control post or in recreation areas. The article presents a general mathematical model and adaptation of a genetic algorithm for the task of optimizing the layout of rooms in the superstructure of a cargo ship according to two criteria – the area and time of evacuation, the results of its implementation and comparison with the placement of rooms on a real ship.

Keywords: superstructure, layout of premises, optimization

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Kochnev Y. Optimization of the location of the premises in the superstructure of the cargo ship. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2023;(2):26-35. (In Russ.).