Rock failure mechanisms in the surrounding rock masses with deep level tunnels and in the source areas of disastrous events
Hachay O.A.
OLGA A. HACHAY, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Geophysics UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:
Estimation of the rock-shock massif state with use of the system of electromagnetic induction monitoring (Nikolaevsk mine, Dalnegorsk)
That paper is devoted to results of geophysical research in Nikolaevsk mine, based on electromagnetic induction frequency-geometrical volume method. Earlier that method shows good results by mapping and monitoring of structure and state of the rock-shock massive of different matter content, for instance in magnetite mines: Tashtagol and Estuninskaja. Here we show the results of using that method in a new geological and geophysical conditions of poli-metal mine for reveling zones and estimation of degree it’s potential non stability, estimation it’s state and potential dangerous dynamical events by comparing of different places, located on different horizons, what is needed for normal outworking of the massif. The provided research showed that the volume mapping of disintegration zones, as indicators of the zones of potential massif non stability and block structures in the roof and the sole of the hole is solved express and with high reliability and recognition accuracy.
Key words: rock-shock massive, electromagnetic induction, monitoring.
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