New methods, measurement instrumentation and monitoring schemes for stress-strain state prognosis and control in rocks

Pimonenko L.I., Bezruchko K.A., Makeev S.Yu., Kargapolov A.A., Gunja D.P.

LUDMILA I. PIMONENKO, Doctor of Geology Sciences, Principal Researcher, Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great Depths (N.S. Poljakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics, NAS of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk), e-mail:;
KONSTANYIN A. BEZRUCHKO, Doctor of Geology Sciences, Head, Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great Depths (N.S. Poljakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics, NAS of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk), e-mail:;
SERGEY YU. MAKEEV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Mineral Mining at Great Depths (N.S. Poljakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics, NAS of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk), е-mail:;
ANDREY A. KARGAPOLOV, Principal Engineer, Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great Depths (N.S. Poljakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under NAS of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk), е-mail:;
DMITRIY P. GUNJA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director (Public Joint-Stock Company A.F. Zasjadko Mine, Donetsk),

The monitoring of the tensely-deformed state of rock-mass by the methods of fractal geometry theory

The article presents the results of the monitoring of the coal-rock masses in various areas of the mine take carried out with the use of multichannel seismic-acoustic system designed by the Polish company EMAG for the A.F. Zasjadko Mine. The fractal dimensions have been calculated for three longwall outputs. The values of the fractal dimensions for the time series of seismo-acoustic occurrences in various sections of the exploited coal bed have been obtained by two methods: with the use of the Hausdorff index and that of the Hearst index, which makes it possible to compare them and identify a high convergence of the results. It has been established that the tectonic disturbances cause changes in the fractal dimension. The performed researches enable one to draw a conclusion that the size of the fractal dimension of the seismo-acoustic occurrences accounts for the degree of rock-mass disturbance and can testify to the predisposition of the rock massif to dynamic phenomena. A conclusion has been made that the deformations occurred earlier cause changes in cracking. It has been found that the smaller is the fractal dimension, the less is the seismo-acoustic activity entailing a fracturation of the massif. It means that the fractal dimension making up less than 1.3, the system is stable. If the fractal dimension exceeds 1.6, the system may be regarded as being unstable threatening with avalanche processes. A comparative analysis of the obtained results has been performed for different time intervals. The data can serve as the basis for the development of criteria to predict a geo-dynamic danger when working in the coal deposits of Donbas.

Key words: seismo-acoustic emission, fractal dimension, index of Hearst, geodynamic danger.


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