Theoretical and experimental methods of the high stressed rock and rock massives mechanics
Damaskinskaya E.E., Kadomtsev A.G.
EKATERINA E. DAMASKINSKAYA, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Laboratory of Physics of Strength (Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg), е-mail:;
ANDREJ G. KADOMTSEV, Head, Laboratory of Physics of Strength, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg), е-mail:
Physical “symptoms” of defect accumulation stages at deformation of rocks
The analysis of laboratory experiments on the deformation of mountain rocks and in-situ measurements have shown that there are two stages of defect accumulation. The first stage. The formation of defect with specific size which is determined by a typical structural element of a material. Arising defects are generated chaotically throughout the sample volume. The second stage of the deformation process is the emergence of spatial zones in which the system passes into the state of self-organized criticality. The localisation of defect formation is observed. As simulation has shown, the evolution of the “dangerous” ensembles gives rise to the formation of defects capable of development even under constant loads, which results in a fault. We are able to distinguish between the first and the second stages by way of a study of the acoustic emission signals. The analysis of the energy distribution of the acoustic emission signals caused by the deformation of rocks has shown that, at the first stage, the distribution is approximated by the exponential function. At the second stage, the energy distributions becomes the power-law. The functional form of energy distribution at the initial stages of loading allows one to reveal the spatial zone of the sample in which the localization of defect formation leading to eventual macrofracture will occur.
Key words: fracture nucleation site, defect, acoustic emission, energy distribution.
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