Theoretical and experimental methods of the high stressed rock and rock massives mechanics
Aleksandrova N.I.
NADEZDA I. ALEKSANDROVA, N.A. Chinacal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091, Russia, e-mail:
Lamb’s plane transient problem for a block medium with consideration for its viscosity
The paper deals with Lamb’s plane transient problem in the impact of a point load on the surface of a block half-space with consideration for its viscosity. The block medium is modelled by a homogeneous two-dimensional lattice consisting of masses connected by springs and dampers in the directions of the axes x, y, and in diagonal directions. The problem has been considered in planar setting. Using the finite difference method and the explicit scheme, we have studied numerically the effect which the viscosity has on the dynamic behaviour of the two-dimensional model of the block medium under the action of a vertical point load on the half-space. The problem has been solved analytically without consideration forviscosity.
Key words: block medium, seismic wave, Lamb's problem, impulse loading.
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