Rock failure mechanisms in the surrounding rock masses with deep level tunnels and in the source areas of disastrous events
Kuksenko V.S., Makhmudov Kh.F., Ilinov M.D., Z. Abdurakhmonov
VIKTOR S. KUKSENKO, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Strength Physics (Physical-Technical Institute. Ioffe, RAS, St. Petersburg), e-mail:;
KHAIRULLO F. MAKHMUDOV, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Laboratory of Strength Physics (Physical-Technical Institute. Ioffe, RAS, St. Petersburg), associate Professor Department of plant safety (National University of Mineral Resources "Mining", St. Petersburg), e-mail:;
MIHAIL D. ILINOV, candidate of technical Sciences, head of laboratory (National University of Mineral Resources "Mining", St. Petersburg), е-mail:;
ZAFAR ABDURAKHMANOV, graduate (Khojend State University, Tajikistan), е-mail:
Quantitative microscopic analysis marble (CaCO3) under conditions of volumetric compression
Actual state of rocks in geosphere cannot be regarded as compessed hydrostatically because of complicated stress distribution under natural conditions. In this work, samples of marble were loaded stepwise in a high-pressure chamber with applying 12 combinations of lateral and axial deformation. The relative effect from lateral and uniaxial deformation on the mechanical behavior of marble was studied using acoustic emission (AE) technique. Posteriori changes in the sample morphology were analized using both optical microscopy and an automatic image analyzer Quantimet 720. The main finding of the work is the alteration of predominantly plastic and predominantly brittle behavior in dependence of the loading geometry.
Key words: microstructure, marble, high pressure, optical microscopy, acoustic emission, strain.
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