Komarovskiy Yu.
YURI A. KOMAROVSKIY, Ph.D. (Technics), Leading Researcher, Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok. 50A, Verkhneportovaya St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690059, e-mail:
Statistical method for obtaining an accurate estimation of the radius of the steady circle path of a vessel
The standards of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and those of the Russian maritime legislation require a full-scale testing of the turning capacity of vessels. Usually, for that purpose, they use identified mathematical models of a vessel as a look-ahead algorithm to predict the vessel's maneuvering results in full-scale trials. In this paper, we suggest a method based on the second-by-second measurements of the GPS coordinates of the trajectory of a maneuvering vessel. The algorithm of the method is simple, easy to automate, and it does not require a priori information on the dynamics of the vessel on the steady circle path. The article demonstrates that, at a distance of 2.5 miles from a Navstar DGPS station, the estimation accuracy of the radius of the vessel's steady circle path can reach ±0.7 m.
Key words: GPS-receiver, steady circle path, ship’s maneuvering properties.
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