ENGINEERING SCIENCES. Creative Concepts of Architecture Activities

Moor V., Erysheva E.

VALERIY K. MOOR, Candidate of Architecture, Professor, Head, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok, 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:  
ELENA A. ERYSHEVA, Candidate of Architecture, Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok, 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:

The contemporary trends and the experience in creating an effective system of city public spaces

Article deals with the current trends and the experience of creating an effective system of public spaces basing on the examples of a number of the foreign maritime cities. The role of public spaces was important in forming the spatial structure and architectural appearance of a city at all stages of its development. In seacoast cities, as a rule, they create the system of public spaces with consideration for their natural landscape peculiarities and their special style of life. All these factors determine significantly the architectural peculiarities of the public spaces of maritime cities in whole. Based on the theoretical study of the issue, the article proposes basic principles aimed to create an effective system of city public spaces.

Key words: public spaces, foreign experience, contemporary trends, effective organisation.


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