ENGINEERING SCIENCES. Creative Сoncepts of Аrchitecture Activities

Lapshina E.

EVGENIA A. LAPSHINA, Candidate of Architecture, Professor, Department of Design and Interior Architectural Environment, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:

Prospects for the development of industrial design based on engineering education

Nowadays, design is a factor determining the competitiveness of products and an integral part of the state economic policy. The key problems of the domestic industrial design are associated with its being used in the implementation of research and development projects. To solve the problems, the national system of training for professionals should undergo a qualitative and structural reorganisation.

The article deals with the results of experimental design with the use of original techniques at different stages of training for an architect designer. The educational techniques applied in the context of radical change of the object of design, have demonstrated their versatility. The variety of forms of organising interdisciplinary relations among the specialists has become the basis for the correlation of design methods. Thanks to such training, the designer is able to become a competent participant of interdisciplinary innovation projects in the situation of ever-changing requirements of practice. The effectiveness of the developed techniques permits bringing the ratio of the Humanities and engineering components into equilibrium, which makes possible the establishment of educational standard of industrial design in the structure of engineering training.

Key words: industrial design, engineering education, architect and designer, interprofessional collaboration, experimental design.


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