Sergienko V., Denisenko Y., Dobrzhansky V., Ognev Y., Berdiev O.
VALENTIN I. SERGIENKO, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor оf Chemical Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry of the FEB RAS. Vladivostok. 159, Centennial Av., Vladivostok, Russia, 690022, e-mail:
YURIY P. DENISENKO, Managing Director, Arsenуev Aviation Company “Progress” named after Nicolay I. Sazykin, JSC. 5 Lenin Square, Arsenyev, Russia, 692335, e-mail:
VITALY G. DOBZHANSKY, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of Advanced Technology Group, Institute of Chemistry of the FEB RAS, Vladivostok. 159, Centennial Av., Vladivostok, Russia, 690022, e-mail:
YURIY F. OGNEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Aircraft and Helicopter Engineering Department, Director of the Вranch, Far Eastern Federal University in Arsenyev. 20 Novikov St., Arsenyev, Russia, 692335. E-mail:
OLEG Sh. BERDIEV, Deputy Director of the Branch for Research and Development, Far Eastern Federal University in Arsenyev. 20 Novikov St., Arsenyev, Russia, 692335. E-mail:
Manufacturing composite avia panels of reticulate structure with the frame made of variable cross-section ribs equal in strength
The proposal includes beforehand formation of system of different in height longitudinal and cross grooves, including spiral and circular grooves on a surface of a tool mandrel, for the following production the panel with the help of winding or facing with using dry or dipping in adhesives flexible fibrous material (filling agent).
The future panel matrix by formation of different in height grooves of figured profile under the subsequent production supporting ribs with the help of winding or facing using dry or dipping in adhesives flexible fibrous material is created on a mandrel, then also with the help of winding or facing the covering of the panel is formed over a power set and after hardening of adhesive the panel is removed from a mandrel.
Key words: panel, supporting ribs, process of facing, boarding of designs, fibrous material, mesh structure.
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