Ship Power Plants and Their Components

Goltsev B.

BORIS V. GOLTSEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Department of Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling, School of Engineering, e-mail:
Far Eastern Federal University.
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Considering the peculiarities of the stress-strain state when calculating the principle flexural properties of shafting

Abstract: The article presents the results of an investigation aimed at developing various methods to evaluate the stress-strain state of shafting made with regard for elastic fixing of the propeller shaft in a non-metallic stern-shaft bearing. It proposes solutions enabling one to evaluate additional loadings caused by some misalignment when mounting the shafting which is supported by a stern-shaft bearing and a fixed intermediate support.
Key words: calculation of shafts, bending deformation, bending moment, cross force, elastic stern-shaft bearing, reaction of supports.


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