Statsenko V., Nehoda E., Sukhorada A.
VLADIMIR STATSENKO, Professor, e-mail:
EVGENIY NEGODA, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail:
ALEXEY SUKHORADA, Graduate Student, e-mail:
Department of Welding Production, School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091
An investigation of heat input and temperature fields in friction stir welding
Abstract: The paper presents an investigation of the process of friction stir welding. Crucial to the study is to determine the temperatures of the material in the stirring zone, which can be found by calculation. Experimental studies were carried out to find the value of the thermal power introduced into the welding zone. Calculations of the distribution of temperatures in the plane and in the cross-section of a plate made of an aluminum alloy AMG61 4 mm thick with friction welding were performed according to a program developed by the authors in the Mathlab package. Presented are the results of measurements of the specific thermal power depending on the rotational speed of the working tool.
Key words: friction stir welding, aluminum alloy plates, measuring friction torque, booth, heat output, temperature fields calculation.
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