Hydroengineering Construction
Tsuprik V.
VLADIMIR TSUPRIK, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Building Materials and Structures, Deputy Director School of Engineering, e‑mail:
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091
On the mechanism of generation of cyclic ice loads on to offshore structures from breaking the ice (review)
Abstract: The non-stationary process of ice destruction when the drifting ice field (IF) contacts with the ice resistant sea platform (IRP) can cause dangerous vibrations and, potentially, dangerous dynamic pressure on that offshore structure. The extreme resonant oscillations of the platform base can entail not only disruptions to the regular operation of the platform but also a significant reduction of the reliability of the structure and its durability with the ensuing fatigue fracture of it or its equipment. The process can also affect the bearing capacity of the soil under the base of the platform. The dynamic ice destruction is a complex process and the development of the models of this phenomenon requires a complex investigation and solution. The dynamic reaction of the structure on the effect of the ice field depends on many factors: the size and flexibility of the leg of the platform; the speed of the ice pressure, the temperature and physico-mechanical parameters of the ice, etc. The object of this research is the functioning process of the real system "IF-IRP”, the process of the energy of the moving ice field transferring to the limited volume of the ice in the area of contact, accumulating the received elastic energy to its critical level in that volume and causing its destruction with a certain frequency. The subject of the research is the mechanism of ice fracture in the zone of interaction of the two basic elements of the system: the ice field and IRP. The study is to determine and describe the regularities of the formation of the cyclic ice pressure on the structure taking into account the phenomenological features of sea ice fracture, which is a mechanism for converting the kinetic energy of the ice field into the energy of elastic deviations of the leg of the platform and the energy spent on the destruction of the ice.
Key words: offshore structures, sea ice, cyclic load, vibration, fracture of ice, specific energy fracture of ice.
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