Hydrotechnical Construction

Bekker A., Farafonov A., Pomnikov E.

ALEXANDER BEKKER, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Director, School of Engineering, e-mail:
ALEXANDER FARAFONOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Marine Engineering, Theory of Buildings and Structures, School of Engineering, e-mail:
EGOR POMNIKOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of Ice Laboratory, School of Engineering, e-mail:
Far Eastern Federal University 
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091

Heterogeneity of ice fields

Abstract: The most promising way to exploit offshore natural resources is the overwater one which requires the construction of unique offshore ice-resistant platforms. At the same time, operating in the seas of the North and the Russian Far East is constrained by the fact that the ice pressure and the effect of drifting ice cover on engineering structures has not been properly researched. The ice force, as a rule, is prevalent and it determines the principal mass and size properties of the structures. Researches have shown that the heterogeneity of ice cover in the horizontal plane being taken into consideration, one can considerably specify the design values of the ice pressure and effect to reduce them as against the recommendations of normative instruments. The article contains a concise justification for taking into consideration the spatial heterogeneity of the properties of ice cover. It presents the results of long-term field researches in the heterogeneity of ice cover carried out in the Novik Bay and the Amur Bay of the Sea of Japan.

Key words: sea ice, ice strings, heterogeneity of sea ice, field ice test.

  1. Farafonov A.E. Inhomogeneity of ice fields and its consideration in determining ice loads on marine hydraulic structures. Vladivostok, FESTU, 2006 (in Russ.).
  2. Bekker A.T. Program of Experimental Study of the Three-Dimensional Ice Strength Distri-bution for Ice Force Analysis. Proc. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Los Angeles, 1996, p. 340-342