Creative Concepts of Architectural Activities


Karpenko V.

VLADIMIR KARPENKO, Candidate of Architecture, Assistant Professor, 

Department of Design of the Architectural Environment and Interior,
School of Engineering, e-mail:

Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091


Modern lighting of Khabarovsk and Ussuriysk

Abstract: The article considers a number of issues: the peculiarities of the creation of a modern ambient luminescence of the cities of Khabarovsk and Ussuriysk, and the contemporary building lighting projects with the latter’s technical procedures and light composition techniques. Based on a review of the process of the creation of utilitarian and architectural illumination of cities, the study concludes that the general ways of illumination adopted for Khabarovsk and Ussuriysk are unique and compliant with their nature. The article describes the principal illumination dominants and ensembles, and provides prospects of the development of the city ambient luminescence. Considered is the light ensemble of the Khabarovsk historical centre in the early 2000s which included the Lenin and Komsomolskaya Squares, and Muravyov-Amurskiy Street. Presented are the project of the illumination of the Muravyov-Amurskiy Street implemented in 2001-2002 and the light composition solution of the Slava Square including the newly-built church complex and the cathedral as well as the illumination verticals of the Soviet epoch monuments that play their role of light dominants in the space of Khabarovsk and its night river panorama. The general tendencies of the Ussuriysk city illumination have been considered as well, including the light-composition solutions of modern trade centres, hotels, and residential districts, and the youth club. The unique colour illumination of the city’s cathedrals and churches create a system of vertical light dominants and forms of the historic part of the town. The article ends with the recommendations for shaping the ambient luminescence of riverine cities which can be applied to other large cities. Emphasised is the importance of sociological and psychological analyses at the stage of the pre-design works on shaping city’s ambient luminescence.
Key words: ambient luminescence, light dominant, light planning structure, river-side panoramas.



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