Physical Fields of Ship, Ocean and Atmosphere

Statsenko L., Sovkova O., Skvarnik I.

LUBOV STATSENKO, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, ORCID:,
ResercherID: F-8862-2014, ScopusID: 6507661729, e-mail:
OLGA SOVKOVA, MS Student, e-mail:
Politechnical Institute
IGOR SKVARNIK, Postgraduate, e-mail:
Far Eastern Federal University
Vladivostok, Russia

Analysis of the possibilities of wireless broadband access technologies
to ensure safety of navigation in Peter the Great Gulf

Abstract: The vessel traffic service (VTS) is a complex set of stationary technical facilities of the coastal services, which together form a unified maritime safety system, which provides for the collection and processing of information on the navigational situation in order to carry out operational control over the movement of ships within the boundaries of the area of responsibility. An important component of the VTS of Peter the Great Gulf is the communication and data transmission network (CDTN), which provides information on the navigation situation from radio-technical posts to the control centers of the VTS. At the same time, analysis of interaction of radio waves with the sea surface shows that the radio signal is reflected from the water surface, as a result of which, due to interference from direct and reflected rays, intersymbol interference and fading effects are observed. Therefore, in order for the data transmission network to remain effective and secure its prospects for the subsequent development of the marine industry in accordance with the requirements of the time, a modern solution is needed. This article discusses the use of wireless broadband access technology in CDTN VTS using equipment based on InfiNet proprietary technology, which made it possible to find the optimal balance between throughput and network coverage range.
Keywords: wireless broadband technology, maritime safety, InfiNet, radiorelay link.

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