Ecological Safety of Construction and Municipal Economy    

Statsenko L., Bakhvalova A., Zhmakina I.

LUBOV STATSENKO, Doctor of Physic and Mathematical Sciences, Professor,
ResearcherID: F-8862-2014, ORCID: 0000-0001-7498-9534, ScopusID: 6507661729,
ANNA BAKHVALOVA, Senior Lecturer (Corresponding Author),
Polytechnical Institute, Far Eastern Federal University
Vladivostok, Russia

Electromagnetic background on the FEFU campus on the Russky Island:
instrumental measurements

Abstract: The proximity of electromagnetic field sources to residential buildings forms an electromagnetic load on the population. In large cities, the total power of the electromagnetic field of subscriber terminals and base stations of cellular communication exceeds the power of all other radio-engineering facilities. The problem of electromagnetic pollution is aggravated by the complex interaction of the electromagnetic field with objects of the urban environment, multidirectional antennas and vertical field variability. The paper presents the results of instrumental measurements of the levels of the electromagnetic field. The necessity of combining calculation methods and direct measurements within the framework of social and hygienic monitoring is substantiated. Alternative options for the placement of transmitting equipment are proposed.

Keywords: electromagnetic ecology, electromagnetic field, base station, control of electromagnetic radiation

Contribution of the authors: the authors contributed equally to this article.
The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

See the reference in English at the end of the article