Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Hydrology
Original article
Shostak S., Bengard A., Shpak Yu.
SERGEY V. SHOSTAK – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, servash@mail.ru
ALEXANDER V. BENGARD – Postgraduate Student, bengard.av@dvfu.ru
YULIYA V. SHPAK – Postgraduate Student, shpak.yv@dvfu.ru
Polytechnic Institute
Far Eastern Federal University
Vladivostok, Russia
Method for processing a complex wideband signal with parabolic frequency modulation
Abstract. The article describes a signal processing method consisting of a sequence of two parabolic frequency modulation signals. Mathematical calculations of processing such a signal was carried out, and mathematical modeling was performed in the MATLAB environment under two conditions: in the presence of a moving and non-moving target in the water. The method for implementing a method of synthesized signal processing in real time is also provided.
Keywords: Doppler effect, radial velocity, parabolic frequency modulation, broadband signal
See the reference in English at the end of the article
For citation: Shostak S., Bengard A., Shpak Yu. Method for processing a complex wideband signal with parabolic frequency modulation. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(3):90-94. (In Russ.).