OF EARTH SCIENCES. Geomechanics, rock destruction

Gorelov P.V., Shkabarnya N.G.

PETR V. GORELOV, Junior Researcher, Geophysical Service, Russian Academy of Sciences, Postgraduate Student, Far East Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia;
NIKOLAI G. SHKABARNYA, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Sub-Department of Geology, Geophysics and Geoecology, School of Engineering, Far East Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.

The present day seismic activity in Primorsky Krai

The article deals with the latest unpublished data on the earthquakes of Primorsky Krai (2007–2014) with their exact location and parametres. It presents the conclusions based on the study of the available materials, in particular the catalogues of seaside earthquakes.

Key words: earthquake, depth, magnitude, deep-focal, the shallow-focus.


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