OF EARTH SCIENCES. Geomechanics, rock destruction

Stolov B.L., Dzhura A.А.

BORIS L. STOLOV, PhD, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, е-mail: borstol@mail.ru;
ANASTASIA А. DZHURA, Graduate Student, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, е-mail: nastya_dgura@mail.ru

The capabilities of the thermal infrared airborne survey (TRIAS) in the exploration of oil-and-gas infrastructure

The article deals with the capabilities of the thermal infrared airborne survey for the oil-and-gas infrastructure including fields under development, oil and gas storage facilities, pipelines, and geo-ecological characteristics of the territories occupied by oil and gas producers and refineries. The issues of the operational technological infrastructure, peculiarities of the surveying technique and data interpretation procedure are covered in it. Presented are some samples of the conducted work, the opportunities of the thermal infrared airborne survey (TIRAS) for geophysical monitoring of oil-and-gas infrastructure and the technology-related physical field anomalies as well as the benefits and informative potentials of the technique to be applied in the conditions of the Russian Far East.

Key words: oil-and-gas infrastructure, technology-related anomaly, oil pollution, geophysical monitoring, pipeline.


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