Ship Design and Construction

Antonenko S.V.

SERGEY V. ANTONENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technique, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950,

Some problems of docking large vessels into floating docks and the experience of their solution

The paper is concerned with the peculiarities of docking a large surface vessel into a floating dock involving mainly those of affording the strength of the ship, the strength of the support structure, and that of the dock as well as the development of the construction of the dock support structure (DSS). In the last 25 years, Russia has not built large surface ships and almost all made previously have been withdrawn, part of them being sold abroad or scrapped. Professionals leave the industry and the experience of putting ships into docks is being lost. However, in sight is the construction of destroyers similar in characteristics to cruisers and that of aircraft carriers. That will generate a need to dock ships. In this connection, the author considers it useful to share his experience in the field.

Key words: docking, vessels, strength securing, dock support.


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