Building materials and products

Baryshev V., Sabodash O.

VLADISLAV BARYSHEV, Master Student, e-mail:
OLGA SABODASH, PhD (in Engineering Sciences), Associate Professor, e-mail:
Offshore and Structural Mechanics Department, School of Engineering.
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

The design of the ice-resistant platforms for exploration drilling on soft grounds in shallow waters of the arctic seas

Abstract: The paper deals with the engineering solutions for exploration drilling platforms for year-round performance on the soft grounds of the shallow waters of the Russian Arctic. The objective of the investigations is to develop engineering solutions for the mobile ice-resistant exploration platform to carry out year-round prospecting works in shallow waters (8–20 m) of the Arctic offshore. The paper presents general concepts of the exploration platform in a shallow water zone.
Key words: offshore, arctic seas, water area, ice conditions, shallow water, soft ground, exploration drilling, ice-resistant platform, design concept.


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