Building materials and products

Baryshev V., Sabodash O., Tsimbelman N.

VLADISLAV BARYSHEV, Undergraduate Student, e-mail:
OLGA SABODASH, PhD (in Engineering Sciences), Associate Professor, e-mail:
NIKITA TSIMBELMAN, PhD (in Engineering Sciences), Head of Department, e-mail:
Offshore and Structural Mechanics Department, School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

The method to deliver exploration drilling platforms to shallow water areas of Arctic

Abstract: The paper presents the survey of the natural conditions of the shallow waters of the Kara Sea. It deals with the development of a new delivery method and new engineering solutions for mobile ice-resistant exploration platform designed to works in the shallow waters of the Arctic offshore (9–18 m). The general concept of the exploration platforms in shallow water areas has been presented in it.
Key words: offshore, arctic seas, water area, ice conditions, shallow water, delivery method, exploration drilling, ice-resistant platform, design concept.


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