Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Logvenchev P., Kim Chang Won, Androsov D., Kang Hyun Gab
The geology and genesis of the stratiform base metal deposits of the Phennam syneclise (DPRK)
Abstract: The article deals with the nature of stratiform ores of the Riphean deposits, the Phennam syneclise, which is the lower Paleozoic rift structure of Sino-Korean Shield. It has been noted that the stratiform base metal deposits of the syneclise were formed synchronously with the host rocks. Together with them, the post-ore processes of the region, contact and dislocation metamorphisms underwent changes of varied intensity. The geological features and metallogenic specialisation of certain analogous structures of the late Proterozoic correspond to those of the Phennam syneclise. It allows assessing the ore content of such structures as encouraging for future industrial development. The total reserve of the base metal ores of the Phennam syneclise is commeasurable with that of the Komdok Hyesan-Rivon metallogenic zone of the early Proterozoic.
Key words: North Korea (DPRK), stratiform, base metall, ore genesis, Phennam syneclise.
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