Computer science, computer facilities and management

Chusov A., Statsenko L., Cherkasova N., Kuligin C., Lysenko A.

ANDREJ CHUSOV, Assistant Professor, e-mail:; LUBOV' STATSENKO, Professor, Head of Department; NINA CHERKASOVA, Undergraduate, e-mail:; SERGEY KULIGIN, Undergraduate, e-mail:; ALEKSEJ LYSENKO, Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication, School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

An object-oriented approach to simulate acoustical field in a room

Abstract: The article presents an object model of an acoustic field in a room and determines the implementation of a sound propagation model with respect to the rules of architectural acoustics. The model is used in the high-performance system designed to simulate the acoustic field in closed premises. The model, which is developed by a team of experts and computer specialists, is created to separate out and provide a set of classes corresponding to entities of the problem domain with their mutual relationships and properties expressed with respect to the principles of the object-oriented paradigm. The conducted experiments demonstrate applicability of the object model to implement sound simulation based on ray tracing as well as the simulation of an acoustical field with respect to diffractions and scattering properties of secondary sources. The latter can affect the results of the simulation rather significantly.
Key words: architectural acoustics, computer-aided simulation, object-oriented approach, an object model, problem-oriented design.


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