Computer science, computer facilities and management

Lomakin A., Stetsenko G.

ALEKSANDR LOMAKIN, Cand. Sc. Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, School of Engineering, e-mail:
GEORGIY STETSENKO, Graduate Student, School of Engineering, e-mail:
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Certain peculiarities of the single-frequency network DVB-T2 in Vladivostok

Abstract: The article deals with the measurement techniques for the electromagnetic field strength of the single-frequency network SFN DVB-T2 of Vladivostok. It presents the study of the field experiments as well. It has been found that, within the zone of the operation of the SFN DVB-T2, the field strength is distributed unevenly. There have been revealed problem areas in certain districts of the town, where the signal quality does not comply with the requirements of the state standard specification.
Key words: measurement, intensity, electromagnetic field, single-frequency DVB‑T network, Longley-Rice model.


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